Hawai’i welcomed over 2,500 people coming from over 20 countries for the Healing Our Spirit Worldwide Conference held in Honolulu in September 2010. Delegations from Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, the U.S. Mainland, Chile, Ecuador and even Norway gathered to discuss challenges in our indigenous communities and work together to come up with solutions. The Healing Our Spirit Worldwide event was initially created to address drug and substance abuse problems in native communities but has since expanded to include discussion on a wide range of issues. The weeklong schedule of events included cultural demonstrations, formal presentations on issues diverse as traditional healing, environmental health, indigenous research and self-determination at the Hawaii Convention Center, with additional excursions to sacred sites on O’ahu and outer islands.
The event’s opening ceremony was held at Kualoa Park on the Windward side and was unlike any other in the history of Healing Our Spirit Worldwide. After a sunrise chant, delegations descended on the shores of Hōkūle’a Beach in voyaging canoes and were greeted by the clear call of conch shells. Later in the day, Nainoa Thompson described the sacred significance of Kualoa in Polynesian voyaging history, telling the crowd that even King Kamehameha I lowered his sails out of respect as he passed the area. Five hula hālau came together to perform hula pahu at noon while American Indians performed their cultural dances later in the day.
Robert Cazimero, long-time entertainer and kumu hula of Hālau Nā Kamalei, expressed his gratitude for being a part of the opening ceremony, “I’m from a time when being Hawaiian, being proud to be Hawaiian, was not important or encouraged. Opportunities like the welcoming ceremony for HOSW offers me the chance to exercise that right, to be a part of a living, practicing and thriving culture. In this world where Hawaiians are not recognized as an indigenous people, we owe it to our ancestors, ourselves and future generations of our race to make ourselves known whenever possible.”
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Check out www.hosw.com for further information on 2010’s event, and the upcoming announcement of the 2011 gathering.
* The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the views of the entire Council.